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Why Active Shooter Insurance is Critical for all Organizations

A mass shooting or terrorist attack can occur at any time, putting your organization into a world of disorienting trauma, media scrutiny, grief, and even litigation threats.

Active shooter insurance, also known as active-assailant insurance, is a type of gap coverage that is designed to handle expenses that are not covered under most general liability policies such as death benefits and funeral costs.

What Does Active Shooter Insurance Cover?

General liability covers a variety of risks faced by organizations but has its limitations when it comes to coverage for mass violence incidents and the recovery-related costs that go with them. Active shooter policies can cover the following:
active shooter insurance

  • Litigation costs. There is a range of legal expenses related to duty of care that active shooter insurance can assist with that general liability insurance may not. With organizations being held to a higher standard of accountability in mass violence situations than in the past, assistance with litigation costs is key to protecting your organization.
  • Support for employees and patrons. An active shooter policy can help businesses cover the costs of medical and disability expenses, victim counseling, funeral expenses and death benefits allowing the employer to respond in a supportive way.
  • Loss of revenue. Provisions of an active shooter insurance policy can help businesses recover lost income due to shut down caused by police investigation and can also help fill in revenue gaps created by the stigma placed on the area the company is located or the business itself after a violent incident.

With an active shooter policy, you can also get assistance with crisis management to help your business handle the media, reassure families and help the public see that your organization is treating the crisis with compassion and competence.

Don’t wait until your business falls victim to a mass shooting or other violent incident, protect your business today. Contact Quantum Source today to learn more about how we can help you find the best active shooter insurance policy for your business.

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